Spooky Pasta: a trolling affair.
A trolling
Legends, the
stories that have been told through the ages, from generation to generation. They’re
the trademark of a culture, a country, or a particular era. But more important,
they’re the very fabric that makes us humans.
But what
happens when we become part of a legend, one beneath the countless tales and
stories that the people tell? This story that I’m about to tell you is an
example of that; a based upon a real events sort of story.
Years ago,
Miss D received the most peculiar present, a present that, in her juvenile
desire might help her to accomplish one of her most desired youthful dreams:
money. And for what, you might ask? To travel, to buy stuff, whatever wish
could come into her mind!
A friend
of hers gave her this bizarre present and she received it with enthusiasm. The day
she was given this present, it came with a warning, given by the very same
person that gave it to her: do not let the sun hit him directly, feed him with
sunflower and seeds, and don’t let anybody else to touch him, but you.
Time passed
by and a certain day, Miss D decided to show it to her mom.
-What is
it? -her mom asked to Miss D.
-It’s a
Money Troll, mom. -she replied. It was a gift from one of my
awful! -mom exclaimed in awe. Who gave it to you?
-A friend
of mine. She told me it was a Money Troll. She also told me to feed him. Look!
Miss D
showed to her mom what she was holding on her hand: it was a handful of
sunflower seeds.
-I feed
him with these. And I also give him some water every once in a while. -she was
telling her mom when she showed her a bottle cap in which she poured some water
to give his fairy creature some water to drink. It has to be done during the
night, preferably during full moon.
-Be careful
with what you’re doing -her mom warned her. These creatures are quite
unpredictable and most of the time, they’re evil.
-Oh, mom.
Come on! You’re such a killjoy! Nothing is going to happen, it’s in good fun!
Her mother,
uncomfortable because of the barren discussion, decided to leave her alone.
Time passed
by and with it, Miss D’s interest on taking care of the strange creature that
now was occupying one of the drawers on her bedroom. And, ignoring mom’s
advices on being careful when managing the legendary, and about to be VERY
real, creature.
She forgot
about him, alleging that it was a lot of responsibility, that she had some
other things to do, so many other preoccupations like school, her friendships,
and so on, and so forth. Little did she know that she was about to get a new concern
to her already busy schedule, a concern of paranormal nature, and one that won’t
be so easy to get rid of.
Miss D
started to have recurring dreams about the odd creature.
“Why have
you forgotten about me? -the tricky creature asked her. “You’ve abandoned
me! Can’t you see? I’m yours, and you belong to me, too!”
The nightmares
were becoming more frequent, to the point that she couldn’t sleep calmly in her
bedroom. Noises were heard on her drawers, a heavy vibe was felt on her
chambers, even to the point that there were nights she asked her brother to
sleep with her, because she couldn’t stand the horrible sensation of being harassed
by the creature.
-You have to
talk with mom about this! -her brother demanded her. This is beyond normal,
and it’s not good at all!
Miss D,
reluctantly, told her mother about the incidents: she was desperate.
-I had a
dream the other day, -she told to her brother, a horrible dream! And in
it, I saw the troll dancing around the fountain, the one that is directly below
our chambers, in the backyard, and he has told me horrible things! He
threatened me!
“I’m going
to take away the ones you love, starting with the one you love the most: your
This whole
situation reached to the point where, in her desperation, Miss D asked her
mother to help her to get rid of the mischievous being.
already warned you that it could come to this -her mother told Miss
D, didn’t I tell you? You were messing with things that not only you don’t
understand, but also that you don’t know to control… If any.
-I know, I
know! -Miss D cried. But what can we do? Can we get rid of this thing? I
don’t know, just… Throw it away!
-You can’t
get rid of him just like that. -her mother answered. Look, let me
call a friend who knows how to deal with these esoteric affairs. Just be patient
and commend yourself to God; everything is going to be fine. And may this serve
you as a lesson next time not to mess around with these kinds of things!
-her mother concluded strongly.
Days went
by fast, fortunately for Miss D, who found certain tranquillity and a renewed
sense of spirituality by praying, out of the fear provoked by messing with
things she didn’t quite understand. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have to
wait that long because one day, her mother’s friend arrived to take away the
She was an
odd yet simple lady that had a certain knowledge of the esoteric affairs, who
told Miss D that she was going to take away the troll with a friend of hers that
had several of them and he knew how to take care of them.
-I’m going
to take him away to a place he will be more comfortable, -her mom’s
friend said. This friend of mine knows how to deal with them, how to take
care of them. But before that, I need to inspect the creature.
-Sure, by
all means! -said Miss D. I’ll bring him to you immediately.
Wrapped in
a blanket as if he were a little child, she brought her the creature, and after
examining him for a while, she concluded that in fact, it was a money troll,
that it was a jealous and possessive creature and that he was also a restless
and mischievous fellow.
right, I’m taking him away -her mom’s friend stated. But in order to do that,
I’ll have to perform some ritual to were I’m taking him. If you want this to
work for the best, you will have to say goodbye to him.
-No way! -Miss D
replied in disgust. I don’t want to see this thing ever again!
After that,
Miss D abandoned the living room, where they received her mom’s friend.
worry, -said Miss D’s mother- I’ll do it on her behalf. Is that OK?
-Yes, that
would be for the best, -her friend answered her.
After her
friend performed a little ritual, Miss D’s mother said goodbye to the odd
creature, on behalf of her daughter, so that he would never bother again.
That very
same night, Miss D’s mother had a dream about the troll, waving at the
distance, which the lady took as a sign that the troll was pleased with his new
home and that he will never cause troubles again to Miss D or any other of her
beloved ones.
Several years
Miss D’s
brother had to go out on a Sunday to his grandparents’ home, in Santa Rosa,
with his mother. He had already showered and got dressed and ready. When he was
about to leave, he put on his new watch on his wrist when suddenly, while
moving some stuff, he noticed that something was missing: his watch!
impossible! -he exclaimed. Things can’t get lost just like that!
In his
desperation, he asked for his mother to help him to find it.
simply unbelievable! -he exclaimed desperately. Things can’t just
disappear out of the blue like that! What is this, now? Do we have trolls or
goblins in here as well?
-Don’t even
say that! -his mother replied. This house is blessed,
nothing bad will ever happen again. Do a mental tour on where you were.
-I haven’t
even got out of here! It’s impossible!
of the paranormal event occurred years ago with his sister, Miss D, came into
his mind. While he was continuing his search, his mother searched elsewhere for
the elusive watch, and praying at the same time.
-Did you
hear that? -he asked. It sounded like a clock!
-I can’t
listen a thing -his mother replied. Sometimes I can’t hear
properly, this you know.
-I swear
you, I’m not crazy, I’ve just listened a watch alarm, giving the hour!
-You won’t
be able to find it unless you calm yourself down -she told him. It’ll
come up eventually. You’ll see.
After what
seemed to be an eternity but it was actually almost half an hour, he was
resigned to use his older watch, given the fact he couldn’t find the new one. To
his great surprise, while he was putting the old watch on his wrist, he turned
around and saw his watch, hanging on the edge of his bed!
What was
the oddest of it all was that, only when he calmed down, and remembering that
his ears almost never fail, then, and only then, is when he could find his
watch, to his joy and his mother’s, who was already relieved from the bizarre
considering that Miss D’s brother had barely remembered the bizarre chain of
events related to the fairy creature, once in possession of his sister: a
trolling affair, indeed.
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